I don’t know it all
Sat Jan 05 2019
2 Minutes to read
Sat Jan 05 2019
2 Minutes to read
In this time and in this field it's hard to admit to be wrong, It's hard to admit you don’t know it all, it's hard to admit that you fail. Failure is often pictured with a sense of sadness and greater consequences such as being fired or making a project ‘unsuccessful’ but should not be the case.
Failure is not something to be ashamed of, the greatest way to learn is to try and learn from your mistakes so go and discover and learn about what you want to fail at. Maybe it's the stigma that you have to be all knowing so you can type that keyword down on your CV or look good on public sites because you have done this already. As a community we should be honest with each other and only say what we know.
An excellent post in conjunction which prompted this post was made by Dan Abramov called https://overreacted.io/things-i-dont-know-as-of-2018/ which Dan who many look up to as a source of inspiration or the fountain of knowledge explained what he didn’t know. This post really opened my eyes, you don’t have to be all-knowing, just learn what you want to focus on that particular thing.
If you can be good at this one thing (lets say React for example) you can be a “great” developer. So this merges with the concept of learning from failure too. Don’t be scared to admit things and try and learn what you want to learn.